My services are eligible under most extended health benefits.
What’s Included with every session:
- A custom 7 or 14-day meal plan with printable ready-to-go grocery lists, recipes and planning instructions with the exact amounts of every single item you need for all of your meals and snacks for the entire week.
- Personally modified nutrition and supplement program with weekly and daily goals worksheets.
- 1 or 2 week grocery list
- Personalized handouts (i.e. exercise suggestions, lifestyle change recommendations, stress modification exercises, educational handouts)
- Brief Iridology assessment
- Lifestyle and Exercise recommendations as part of the complete protocol
What you will learn:
- Understand food labels and health claims
- Be able to identify the food additives, chemicals and other toxins in your food
- Discover the truth about what you have been eating and how to make healthier choices
- Learn about new healthy foods and ways to incorporate them
- Learn about safe non-toxic home cleaning products and beauty products
- Become a conscious consumer
- Learn beneficial body movement practices to combine with your nutritional protocols
- Plus so much more +++
The BHN FORWARD Initiative
For every booking made with Laura, $5 will be donated to the BHN FORWARD Initiative. The BHN FORWARD Initiative is a way for Laura to give back to the community and offer services to those who are not able to afford frequent nutritional counselling appointments. This Initiative allows Laura to foster health in the local community and give back to those in need. To learn more about this Initiative, to see if you qualify and/or if you would like to offer your services, please message Laura.
Initial Holistic Nutrition Appointment – $125
Initial consultation (1 – 1.5 hrs) – During the initial consultation, your health goals, medical history, diet, symptoms and lifestyle will be discussed. The first consultation consists of an Iridology assessment, information gathering and thoroughly discussing your personally modified nutritional program, which includes an explanation of your initial nutrition and lifestyle analysis. You will also be provided with an individualized 14 day meal plan with recipes, grocery list and a health and lifestyle program custom tailored to your needs. You will leave with the tools necessary to make realistic changes as we co-create a daily nutrition and lifestyle program that encourages nourishing yourself with whole foods that will make you feel your best.
Second Holistic Nutrition Appointment – $95
Your second visit (up to 45 minutes) should be scheduled 4-6 weeks after your initial appointment and is geared towards thoroughly discussing your personally modified nutritional program and fine tuning your current plan and make adjustments as needed. You will also be provided with an individualized 14 day meal plan with recipes, grocery list and a health and lifestyle program custom tailored to your needs
Follow-Up 30 minute Holistic Nutrition Appointments – $65
Follow-up appointment should be scheduled 4-6 weeks after your second appointment and will continue to fine tune your current plan and make adjustments as required. You will also be provided with an individualized 7 day meal plan with recipes, grocery list and a health and lifestyle program custom tailored to your needs
Follow-Up sessions allow you to come in to discuss the weeks prior and any struggles you’ve had. Together we will work towards coming up with a solution. I will also continue to add to your plan to further your progress towards your health goals. These appointments provide guidance while you’re making changes, accountability and one on one problem solving.
Additional meal plans – $35 (7 day plan) or $55 (14 day plan)
This is a great option for individuals and/or families who would like to continue with their health and lifestyle goals but no longer require frequent consultations AND/OR Individuals looking for additional meal plans in between consults.
Iridology Assessment – $80
The assessment begins by using a high resolution camera to take a magnified picture of the client’s eye to ‘see’ inside the body. Then, Laura analyzes the whole eye -especially the iris- to reveal information about the client’s systemic health. By analyzing the iris, iridologists have a window into the client’s health and can distinguish between healthy systems and organs in the body and those that are inflamed or over/underactive. Next, Laura matches her observations to iris charts, which divide the iris into zones that correspond to specific parts of the human body. This part of the process is similar to foot reflexology where points on the bottom of the feet correspond to different parts of the body. Lastly, Laura will give insight on the client’s eye analysis and will offer lifestyle and nutritional recommendations. In subsequent sessions, client’s are able to see before and after photos that show how their eyes have become more clear and less inflamed after they have healed certain aspects of their health!
Iridology Home Parties
If you are looking for something different to do with your friends, why not try an Iridology Home Party – this is a great way to learn a little bit about yourself and your health in a fun way! Minimum 4 bookings needed to a maximum of 8 – cost is $65 per person and includes a 30 minute assessment which includes some health and nutrition tips. It also includes a $10 credit per person who would like to follow-up with nutritional counselling.. Please message me for more information and availability.
Therapeutic Touch Session – 15-20 minutes – $10
Indian Head Massage Treatment – 30 min – $40
Email Support
BHN clients receive continual support between appointments. Need a quick answer or some help? Email me for extra support.